Since I started my company last year, I have dreamed of starting a blog. In all truth I dream of having a multi-faceted company with a blog,website, products, services, fan club, magazine.... but, in snapping back to reality, I realized a blog would be a good start. One step at a time.
It started out great. I went to a class on blogging and learned all kinds of marketing and writing tips. The instructor even encouraged us to set up our blogger account right then, and I did. I was on a learning high after that class, so excited about all of the possibilities and what could come. Then, I realized I had to write my first post.
Now, make no mistake, I have hundreds and hundreds of ideas for blog posts from recycling old picture frames to a delicious new appetizer (more on that to come). It was only this post that was intimidating. The FIRST post. The introduction to it all. Not something one can skip according to my English teachers (though I am sure this post alone has hundreds of grammatical errors; sorry to those educators for my mistakes). This would be THE POST that inspires people to read the blog. It had to be witty, informative, inspirational, and give a very clear direction of where this blog will take its readers. I started typing on six different occasions. Each time I felt like I was being too straight laced, professional, sicky sweet with my personal stories, and not at all writing what I wanted to say. Then I read this:
"Having bought the colours, an easel,
and a canvas, the next step was to begin. But what a step to take!
The palette gleamed with beads of colour; fair and white rose the
canvas; the empty brush hung poised, heavy with destiny, irresolute
in the air. My hand seemed arrested by a silent veto. But after all
the sky on this occasion was unquestionably blue, and a pale blue
at that. There could be no doubt that blue paint mixed with white
should be put on the top part of the canvas. One really does not
need to have had an artist’s training to see that. It is
a starting-point open to all. So very gingerly I mixed a
little blue paint on the palette with a very small brush, and
then with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a
bean upon the affronted snow-white shield. It was a
challenge, a deliberate challenge; but so subdued, so
halting, indeed so cataleptic, that it deserved no
At that moment the loud approaching sound of a
motor-car was heard in the drive. From this chariot there stepped
swiftly and lightly none other than the gifted wife of Sir John
Lavery. ‘Painting! But what are you hesitating about? Let me have
a brush—the big one.’ Splash into the turpentine, wallop into the
blue and the white, frantic flourish on the palette—clean no
longer—and then several large, fierce strokes and slashes of
blue on the absolutely cowering canvas. Anyone could see that
it could not hit back. No evil fate avenged the jaunty violence.
The canvas grinned in helplessness before me. The spell was broken. The sickly
inhibitions rolled away. I seized the largest brush and fell upon my victim with
Berserk fury. I have never felt any awe of a canvas since."
-"Painting as a Pastime"
Thoughts and Adventures, 1932
Winston Churchill
Churchill needed some coaxing to conquer the canvas, but once he made that first messy start, nothing was stopping him. So here I go.
My reasons for creating my company and blog are two fold. I want an outlet that allows me to be creative and holds me accountable to learn new things. Secondly, I want to be able to generate income for my family, and stay home with my daughter. Like I said in the first paragraph, I have big dreams for this, both creatively and fiscally. I have such big goals that I don't want to narrow it down to doing just one thing, so I choose to write about, and build my business around everything. I may be a jack of all trades type of gal, but I know I am the master of some. Why not translate that mindset into my business and blog?
This blog will rotate around eight main headings:
Everyday is Special - Parties, Dinners, Outings, and Impromptu Gatherings
Creating the Ultimate Pro/Con List - Testing Products, Services, and Crack-pot Ideas
Cooking Creations- Recipes, Techniques, and Adventures in the Food Business
Home Creations - Decorating, Home Maintenance, Gardening, Family Life
Music Creations - Performances, Studio, Compositions
The Classic Creations - Crafts and Products
Classic Critique - Reviews of Books, Movies, Music, Restaurants etc
Classic Learner - New things that I am learning about and find interesting
Now that I have "conquered this canvas" I hope to never be intimidated again either.

Churchill in 1932
Photo credit: