For the business am currently working on crafts, sweets, classes and parties for this Holiday Season.
Here are a few of things I have been doing:
1.) Baking. I am making pies, quick sweet breads, and cake bites to sell. I envision these treats being shared at Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings, given as gifts, and saving busy folks time without sacrificing quality. The recipes themselves are special to me. The pie crust, pecan pie, and banana bread come from my grandma and mama. The cake bites AKA cake balls were a treat that Ms. Lana from Camden, AR shared at Christmas with us. The apple butter bread is my own creation from a bounty of apples shared with us from the Hamiltons here in Fulton. I love how baking warms my home and I hope my food can bless others too.

Pumpkin and Pecan Pies
Livi and John approved of the whipped cream :)
2.) Using my Nose. We have had such a beautiful Indian Summer and the roses are still blooming! My kids -even Baby John - have been plucking rose petals off for me to dry to make potpourri for sachets. They also have shared their mint plants to mix with teatree oil for a refreshing fragrance.
3.) Learning. In October I was given a HUGE piece of brand new high quality carpet. I attempted to make a free-hand painted doormat. I learned some limitations that day, and decided to try using a stencil. Not only was I able to use premade stencils but I attempted to make my own. I love them! The pumpkin and all three Christmas trees in these pictures are from stencil I made.
4.) Upcycling. Besides the carpeting, I have been reusing or "up cycling" lots of materials. Thrifted shirts, lace, vintage ornaments, and even scavenged church bulletin fronts are being used in my products. I hate to waste anything that can be reused. Brad would probably call me a pack rat. At least I'm sharing it through my business instead of keeping it all!
5.) Reading. I have taken extra time to study what is popular right now and to learn how to make new things. I have sought articles on how to promote my business without pressuring friends and family to buy from me. If you are reading this and have felt that way, please let me know how to work on that!
It has also been amazing to make the time to search the Bible more for guidance on how to balance out elements of life and to honor God through my work. I keep coming back to Proverbs 31. The women in the story is called blessed by her children for her efforts. I want that to be the way my family feels about me.
What are some ways that you can think of to improve/promote Classic Creations without coming across as pushy? Please leave me a comment below or send me a message.